viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

Weekly Outfit: Fashion Week Essentials

Després de Paris, Berlin o Hong Kong és el torn de Barcelona. La setmana vinent la capital catalana viurà la seva setmana gran de la moda, el 080 Barcelona Fashion. Periodistes, estilistes, disenyadors, bloggers i molta gent interessada en les noves tendències passejarà pel DHUB amb els seus millors outfits.

After Paris, Milan or Hong Kong, Barcelona will show off new collections from creative talents in the fashion arena. Over the next days, the 11th edition of 080 Barcelona Fashion will kick off the city. Journalists, stylists, designers, bloggers and a lot of people interested on trends will be at DHUB  building with their best outfits.

* Images courtesy of Nicole Comeau at

Si encara no has tingut temps de decidir quins seran els teus looks, para compte a la nostra selecció de peces, realitzada amb les que estan incloses a Dress2b.

Fashion weeks are usually a very busy time. So, let us show you the best options. Take a closer look at our selection for the perfect fashion week outfit.

Wool coat Athé Vanessa Bruno. 453 euros - 50% discount at Bambula Chic.

Green wool sweater Sessùn. 100 euros - 30% discount at Sueños Negros.

Ethnic blouse Maison Scotch. 100 euros - 30% discount at Sueños Negros.

Animal print pants Malene Birger. 168 euros - 50% discount at Bambula Chic.

Leather and pony shoes Anaid Kupuri. 175 euros - 30% discount at Room.

Leather bag Michael Kors. 345 euros - 30% discount at La Comercial.

Print foulard Parisian design. 19,95 euros - 20% discount at Philo.

Turtle bracelet Circo. 125 euros - 5% discount at Sueños Negros.

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