This fall STUDS are undoubtedly being the top fashion trend in the streets around the world. In this post you will find our top 3 of Street Style, DIY and items in dress2b.
Top 3 Street Style:
Bloggers, celebrities y mucha gente se han lanzado a subir sus fotos vistiendo TACHUELAS en todo tipo de prendas y accesorios. Aquí nuestra selección:
Bloggers, celebrities and a lot of people have rushed to upload their photos wearing STUDS in all kinds of garments and accessories. Here our selection:
1. Tachuelas en las mangas de una chaqueta / Studs on the sleeves of a jacket
2. Botas con tachuelas de punta / Boots with spikes
3. Tachuelas doradas en el cuello de una camisa tejana / Golden studs on the collar of a denim shirt
Top 3 DIY
El fenómeno DIY "Do It Yourself" o "Hazlo tu mismo" y las redes sociales han catapultado las TACHUELAS en Internet. Son miles los posts en blogs de moda y videos en Youtube que muestran las creaciones de las nuevas artistas de la moda. Nuestro top 3 es para:
The phenomenon DIY "Do It Yourself" and social networks have catapulted STUDS on the Internet. There are thousands of posts on fashion blogs and videos on Youtube showing the creations of new fashion artists. Our top 3 is to:
1. Especial de Dare to DIY: Guia sobre puntas y tachuelas con imagenes para inspirarte y muchas recomendaciones para personalizar todas las prendas de tu armario.
Special post in Dare to DIY: Guia sobre puntas y tachuelas with images to inspire yourself and many recommendations to personalize all the clothes in your closet.
Post of B a la Moda DIY: Especial Tachuelas where you can find steps to customize your clothes and addresses to buy the material to make your own DIY, such as the specialized web Studs and Spikes
3. El video HOW TO: Make the perfect denim shorts with studs and spikes en Youtube con música de Foster the People que lleva nada menos que 469.000 visitas!
The video HOW TO: Make the perfect denim shorts with studs and spikes in Youtube with music by Foster the People with no less than 469,000 visits!
Top 3 Items in dress2b
Si no tienes tiempo de customizar tu ropa, te presentamos 3 propuestas de prendas con TACHUELAS en dress2b y las tiendas de Barcelona donde encontrarlas!
If you do not have time to customize your clothes, we present 3 proposals of studded clothing in dress2b and shops in Barcelona where to find them!
1. Botas con tachuelas en forma de estrella de la Tienda Le Petite Fleur Grise / Studded boots with a star shape from the shop Le Petite Fleur Grise
2. Camiseta con tachuelas de ONLYOU / Studded shirt from ONLYOU
3. Shorts de cuero con tachuelas de la tienda Salama by Sylvia / Studded leather shorts from the shop Salama by Sylvia
Viste TACHUELAS y dress to be trendy!!
Wear STUDS and dress to be trendy!!